Welcome to Grant County. You thought unemployment was bad in the big city?
Check this out. In December 2008 the number was 10%, today it is 15.9%
which is charting into depression figures. The wood products industry is tanking and the families are really feeling the pain. Home construction is almost non-existent, so this is the trickle down to the hardest working folks that you will find anywhere in this country. No business or factory is immune to this sweeping disease taking hold of the US map, but could we see 20-25-30% in the future? A terrific book to read is "The Defining Moment" by Jonathan Alter. It is the story of FDR'S first 100 days after taking office from Hoover who was a mirror of Bush. It is like re-living history all over again. Obama read this on his vacation in Hawaii and believe me, you won't skim a word of it. I wish the best for the families in Grant County Oregon.
just the start of dark days to follow. Country needs this
Posted by: Fred | January 27, 2009 at 04:49 PM
Posted by: Fred | January 27, 2009 at 04:49 PM
Another excellent book to understanding how we got here and how long we may be stuck or wrose, is Amity Shlaes, "The Forgotten Man." Contrary to popular history, Schlaes provides a wealth of facts of how FDR scared the hell out of business, causing them paralysis until the war. All the regulation made doing business hell. And FDR was a master at pumping up class warfare. And FDR's constant grasps for more government power scared even his allies. Obama supporters would be wise to read it.
Posted by: CT | April 04, 2009 at 01:06 PM
There’s an old saying that nothing in the world is free – maybe the guy who came up with that old saying didn’t know about free government grants
Posted by: free government money | November 27, 2011 at 09:57 PM