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March 31, 2010


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That's the "Econoline" van by Ford. It was very popular in the early 60's!

On second thought, I think that's a Dodge van. You have to give me a break, I'm an old man who wears glasses!

Nice mid-60's Dodge A100!

Thanks for clearing this up J.R.!

From Beaverton Dodge...Nobody.....but nobody beats Beaverton Dodge.

And, J.R. knows his Dodges. He is a Dodge connosieur (or however you spell it).

It's...connoisseur, one of those words of French origin that I have trouble with myself! You were close enough Jim.

Yeah, that's definitely a Dodge A100! Ah, 60's looks so cool!

James Ferris

*I do wish you true happiness every day!

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