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June 22, 2010


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Love the old school radio board back there. Same as the one at my first station.

Well done!!

What a great broadcaster and an even more superb gentleman. If you crossed paths with Jim, you were better for the experience.

Jim Howe WAS Portland radio news! The news team he put together that I was a part of in the 80's and 90's was by all accounts one of the best ever in the rose city. Jim's sense of news is the best and he excelled at the job of being news director. He led by example. He wouldn't ask his staff to do anything he wasn't willing to do. An example: There was a police officer being held hostage at the Portland Rose Motel on Barbur Blvd. Jim took it upon himself to report from the scene from the evening it started until 3 o'clock the next morning when I relieved him. Jim was on the air anchoring our coverage with Pat Boyle just a few hours later. You always wanted to do your best for Jim because he always did his best for you. I am proud to be able to call Jim Howe my friend.

Jim Howe...a class act and one of the best newsmen on the West Coast! sure wish he were still on the air.

Without any question, Portland's all time best radio news anchor. KEX has had no news identity since he left. All NO NAMES and FORGETTABLE on air today.

We miss the voice of Jim Howe on KEX.

I've only lived here for 10 years and sadly missed Jim who sounds like one of the last of the great broadcasters, how long ago was Jim on the air?

I believe Jim retired in 2001 after 39-years with KEX. I miss his newscasts as well!

Sorry Jim but Oregon Media Central is gone.

That leaves StumptownBlogger as the only good media board left in Portland. OMC is dead and buried...PDXRadio has turned into a left wing discussion board.

Dave, you're going to have to make Stumptown more mediacentric.

As for KEX News since the departure of Jim Howe...

It's just a mere shadow of its former self in the days of Jim, George McGowan, Don Kneas(sp) and Bob Chase. So much the pity.

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