Koin Tv hit the talent jackpot with this young man who is co-hosting with Kacey Montoya on the early morning news show. Matt Brode has that natural gift of being on TV without the staged presentation. Very rare these days! Here are my 10 questions for Matt.
1- Have you found a favorite restaurant in town yet?
So many, this city is an oasis of culinary splendor. Aside from the Beaverton McDonald's (joke) I'd have to say Andina.
#2- Last book read?
I read everything. Last book I read was "The girl with the Dragon Tattoo" - Favorite book "A Confederacy of Dunces"
#3- Most visited web sites:
Facebook, Twitter,mgoblue.com, Koin weather page
#4- Your prediction for the weather in December?
La Nina baby!!! It's a strong one, so run for your lives. Cold and wet!
#5- Favorite movie of all time?
The Big Lebowski. (Anything Coen Brother's)
#6- What is in Matt's fridge?
Expired eggs and milk.
#7- Hobby?
Playing my guitar, listening to music, Tae Kwon Do and Michigan football. Watching snowstorms and studying Great Lake Shipwrecks. I'm obsessed with Northern Michigan and Lake Superior.
#8- Worst on camera moment?
So many. Dropping weather clickers on the floor and kicking them under the desk. Or the time I said "A thin deck of clouds" ...only I didn't say "Deck"
#9: Person you would like to meet?
Jerry Garcia, John Lennon, Albert Einstein, His Holiness Dalai Lama and I would love to ask Moses how he parted the sea- That is some power!
#10- Secret about co-host Kacey Montoya?
Despite her captivating on air prowess and beauty, Kacey Montoya is a genuine journalist who would just as much stay behind the scenes if it meant getting the truth.
...pretty impressive responses. Young guys, getting a great start in Portland. Where have I heard THAT story before?! Go get 'em, Matt!
Roger W. Morgan
Posted by: Roger W. Morgan | October 13, 2010 at 05:12 PM
You and the female host make a great duo. Excellent chemistry on the tube.
Posted by: Yarin | October 13, 2010 at 06:08 PM
Sounds more like a man-crush.
Posted by: Bernie | October 13, 2010 at 07:28 PM
I watch the channel 6 news in the morning. Matt does an excellent job on the program.
Posted by: Karl Harris | October 13, 2010 at 08:50 PM
With is comment on favorite flick's being, "anything Coen Brother's", he's a good man in my book!
Posted by: BOB KARM | October 13, 2010 at 09:09 PM
Like Kacey. Amazing. Matt your not bad either!!!!!
Posted by: Leftie | October 14, 2010 at 09:03 PM
Everyone thought Rob Marciano was the strongest talent to come out of weather circles in Portland. He was ok but never thought he had any personality. Matt Brode has talent of national network quality. He will not be around long and Kaci Montoya is another dynamic talent. Bye Bye Koin- See ya on Fox.
Posted by: Galliant | October 14, 2010 at 09:33 PM
Maybe people watching Rob Marciano liked him but not the people who worked with him. Really arrogant and was hardly ever where he was supposed to be on time. Always blamed someone else when he screwed up or things didn't go his way.
Posted by: James | October 20, 2010 at 08:45 PM