We get to meet all the gangsters and thugs that took this country down and not one of these high ranking bastards have served one minute behind bars. The cast of Wall Street arrogant thieves include Hank Paulson, Robert Rubin, The genius Greenspan, Timothy Geithner, Larry Sommers and many others including high end whorehouses that were charging the big banking firms $5,000-$10,000 a girl. They had over 10,000 clients from the Banksters on Wall Street. This movie will absolutely blow your mind. This is one of the best documentaries ever made. This won the Oscar and was well deserved.
* Never trust any reviews and ratings of corporations. The companies PAY the writers to lie. This country is owned and operated by these gangsters and with this current administration that promised CHANGE, it is the same drill by the same gangsters including Timothy Geithner.
In one scene they report that Hank Paulson made himself a few hundred million and did not have to pay any taxes on the income. How do you like that one? Watch it yourself and see if I'm making this up! Disgraceful.
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