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January 14, 2016


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Love Bill's show. Sure beats Mark & Brian. Those two guys went on and on and on and never got to a punchline. Bill, too much Zep on kgon. But keep up good work

Yeah Bill is cool.

I know people think there's too much Zep on KGON, but people complained about that when they barely played it. So I think they aren't overplaying it yet. I understand the live DJs pick their own lineup.


I say "30 Rock" but you know I mean "The Price Is Right" ~Prescott

You're complaining to the wrong guy folks. The music is probably programmed by a computer at Entercom HQ in Bala Cynwyd, PA.

Please do not question JoelinPDX..... He is always right.

You know Lance, it's a great position to be in. Plus, it's nice to not be as vapid as some posters here (I'm talking about you.)

JIP: HEH, but remember the words of Forrest Gump, Vapid is As Vapid does

Thanks for backing me up, Lance.

lance, is that your mother calling? its time for you soup! your favorite spaghetti "os

Don't pull a muscle patting yourself on the back JoelinPDX... BTW JIP.. I know who you are and you were ran from the radio industry in PDX....

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