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« VORTEX | Main | NORDSTROM PRICE $88.50 ( my first pair at Caplan’s we’re $11 bucks ) »

February 26, 2018


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The dogs are good Hebrew National, but the Polish are even better.

They've held the $1.50 price for years. I can remember buying from a cart out in front of the store before they added the indoor food service area. I think a soda is still included in the price. It has to be the best lunch deal in town.

Unless they reversed course, they stopped serving the Hebrew brand a few years back. Maybe all the social medial negative chatter forced them to switch back to the original.

Great Bargain--but not as good as the Rotisserie whole chicken for $4.99. Greatest buy anywhere.

Where have you been Dave? This has been around for years.

They don't offer the polish dogs any more, just the regular hot dogs but still the best around.

A 20 oz.Soda is included AND with a free refill! I only live 5 minutes from Costco on 138th off of Sandy Blvd. and I'm ashamed to admit it but.....well you know what I mean!

More deli mustard, hold the relish please.

You're right Duck, Costco does have some nice chicken. A really good meat case overall. The thick cut ribeyes are the best.

I don't know which Costco you shop at Dru, but I had a Polish from the Tigard Costco about a week ago.

The polish dogs were taken off the Costco menu about the time those Hebrew National hot dog umbrellas came down and Costco got into the mean packing business. That plant, one of the largest in the world near Tracy, California, is the source of those food court hot dogs under the Kirkland brand. Costs are also kept down by striking the best deal with other suppliers, hence the switch from Coke to Pepsi.

No relish, just a LOT of chopped onion, and I am good! I want another Costco card.. maybe one day....

@Jann J You don't need a Costco card to enjoy the hotdogs at the Clackamas Costco because the food area is outside of the building...that being said, if you want to go to Costco to shop, I'd be happy to take you! Cheers!

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