My mother didn’t *quite* make it, but today would have been my parent’s 74th wedding anniversary. I’m not sure what the pink motif in this picture is all about—I culled it from a video one of their friends sent me, but it looks like this was taken recently at their neighbor’s house across the street.
To those of you who’ve been wondering, my dad is doing fine, I call him every day. He’s as strong as she was. Note the hand reaching over to keep in physical contact with my dad. After eight decades together, I guess that’s a habit you don’t want to break.
I hope that when I'm that age, I will have a man smile at me the way your dad is smiling at your mom.
This is what love is.
Posted by: Badkitty | June 29, 2020 at 12:33 PM
The love in their eyes for each other...something many would give anything for, after even half of that length of time. She looked very nice in the hot pink.. I sure wouldve enjoyed having my man look at me that way, even for the time we had together...bless both your mom and dad..
Posted by: JannM | June 29, 2020 at 02:26 PM