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August 21, 2023


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Stump I recall when you posted these photos back on February 3, 2023 with the same prices, which were not the prices reported by the Oregonian on the dates of the auction.

Contractor Eric Ladd bought the iron fence and gates that fronted on SW 6th ave. and paid the highest price at the auction of $3,050. (Oregonian 8/30/51)

The Teddy Roosevelt bed and a dresser were sold for $500 to W. J. Wineberg of Vancouver WA. (Oregonian 8/29/51)

Prices are in the Oregon historical book on the hotel history. That’s my latest source .

The photo at the top was published in the Oregon Journal with the item described as a old style butter cutter with a opening bid of $1.

The Oregonian reported that a woman from Helena Montana and dressed in cow-girl garb spent the day at the auction and paid $5 each for the final items which were 2 rubber door mats. She was going to put one door mat at the front door and the other at a private entrance of her 16 room house.

Mr. Stump
The Oregonian reported the prices of more items sold than the Oregon Journal, but the Oregon Journal on page 1 of the August 29, 1951 edition photographed Eric Ladd next to his new 75 foot iron fence with a price on the photo of $3,050.

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